We’ve all heard the buzzword a million times: energy efficient. The more traction that the green movement gets, the more focused we become on switching to energy efficient appliances and lighting. It all makes sense, too, because the more we… Read More
Types of Outdoor Lighting
When you have spent the time and money to landscape your outdoor living space, you shouldn’t have a time limitation on when you can enjoy your space. With outdoor lighting, your outdoor living space can be enjoyed at any time… Read More
Benefits of an Irrigation System
Lush green lawns are synonymous with summer, along with barbecues, pool parties, beach trips, and plenty of sun. Making sure your plants are properly watered can be a time consuming task, especially if you have a large lawn. Depending on… Read More
Why Should I Have Temporary Lighting for my Baltimore Party?
Spring and summer are a great time to have parties on the lawn or patio. Many people get married and have holiday parties for Memorial Day, Independence Day, and more. Party planning and execution can be extremely time consuming and… Read More
What Are the Benefits of Outdoor LED Lights?
Millions of people watched the New Year’s Eve ball drop from Times Square this past year and were in awe of all the different, beautiful colors it exuded during the wait and descent. Did you know that the ball is… Read More
How Can I Get the Most out of my Baltimore Sprinkler System?
If you don’t use your sprinkler system correctly, you could be wasting water, time, and energy trying to keep your lawn green and lush. If you find that your lawn and plants simply aren’t doing as well as you’d like,… Read More
What Sprinkler Maintenance should I Perform in Spring and Summer?
It’s that time of year again: time to get your grass green and growing, that is. Sprinkler maintenance should be performed every spring and summer to ensure that your sprinklers are running at peak performance and can handle the hot… Read More
What Advantages does Exterior Lighting give your Baltimore Backyard?
Summer nights are meant for spending outside with family and friends, sitting around a bonfire or enjoying each other’s company in the sultry Baltimore summer. Being outside at night can present some problems, though. The obvious issue at hand is… Read More
Should I Have My Sprinkler or Irrigation System Inspected?
With spring quickly moving through to summer, it is prime time for flowers to bloom, the grass to grow greener, and the temperatures to rise. To keep your lawn and plants healthy, you may want to check in on… Read More
Is My Sprinkler System Causing My Water Bill To Rise?
Spring is finally here, and that means warmer days and plants that need tending to. Many people simply water their lawn or garden in Baltimore with a sprinkler system and that gets the job done. But is your sprinkler system… Read More