Here are several tips on how you should be watering in the wintertime.
Maintaining a lawn in the winter can be an unforgiving and strenuous affair. It’s hard to determine what will inevitably wilt, and what can be saved with adequate care. However, if you have ever experienced the discouraging sight of a plant graveyard come springtime, you know the significance of proper watering in winter. Here are several tips on how you should be watering in the wintertime.
When to Water
You should complete your watering in the wintertime on warmer days, possibly when the temperature is 40+ degrees Fahrenheit and the soil is unfrozen. This allows the earth to absorb the water and nutrients it carries. However, you must be cautious of over-watering in the wintertime. Watering excessively and over frozen soil could flood the earth and possibly flash-freeze your plant’s root systems. In Maryland, you should generally water one to two times monthly between November and April, around mid-day, so it can adequately soak.
What to Water
When watering in the wintertime, it’s most important to water newly planted trees, plants, and shrubs. Established trees, especially those in sunny and windy areas, must also be given special attention. If a tree is not receiving sufficient watering in winter, it can extend its root systems to seek moisture, often wrapping around irrigation or plumbing pipes in its thirst, potentially causing substantial damage.
Aqua-Bright offers professional and customized lawn irrigation systems for homeowners and companies in the Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC, Metro areas. Our underground irrigation systems are meant to automatically work at the best times of the year, using an ideal amount of water without water waste. They are simple to use and operate, and we provide a 7-year warranty on all installations. Call Aqua-Bright today at 410-489-9009.
How to Water
Most homeowners watering in the wintertime will have to use a hose-end sprinkler, or watering wand because irrigation systems must be shut off and winterized during the cold season. Take the time to allow the water to soak into the soil when watering in the wintertime. To ascertain accurately how long you should be watering, place a measuring cup in the area you are watering. You have watered enough when the level fills to between 0.5 to 1″ deep. Make sure to eliminate the hose from the spigot after watering in winter to prevent frost damage.
As Always, Don’t Hesitate to Contact Aqua-Bright for All of Your Commercial and Residential Irrigation System Needs!
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