Make sure your system is in optimal condition this spring.
It’s that time of year again when sprinkler maintenance should be performed to ensure your sprinklers perform optimally. Setting up and preparing your sprinkler system for spring is critical. These systems are vital in getting your surrounding landscape for the spring. Here are some maintenance tips for you to undertake this spring for your irrigation system.
Check Your Drains And Main Line
Check that all of your manual valves are closed. You may have opened them up when you drained the system in the fall, so check them out before watering. The next step is to slowly open the main valve so that the piping between it and the backflow can fill. To pressurize the mainline, open a control valve and allow the water to push out any unwanted air pockets in your system.
Make Sure Your Sprinkler Heads Are Working
Sprinkler heads in a lawn irrigation system are frequently missing or broken due to various factors, such as lawnmowers, shifting soil, improper installation, age, and so on. Sprinkler heads that are missing or broken can cause your lawn irrigation system to leak and distribute water unevenly across your lawn. When water from your sprinklers is not evenly distributed between cycles, it can cause dry and wet spots due to over and under-watering.
This can significantly impact the health and appearance of your lawn over time. Check your sprinkler heads to see if they’ve been tilted or are spraying from the correct angle. If you notice that they need to be correctly angled, readjust them to ensure that your lawn receives adequate coverage during watering cycles.
Ensure You Have Adequate Water Pressure
Another critical aspect of maintaining your lawn irrigation system is regularly checking the water pressure settings. This is especially important when first booting your system. The ideal pressure range for your lawn irrigation system is 40 to 65 PSI.
Flushing Your Sprinklers Removes Dirt And Debris
Flushing your irrigation system is essential for maintenance, especially at the start of the season. Flushing your system prevents dirt and debris from accumulating and clogging your nozzles.
Get In Touch With Aqua-Bright Irrigation And Illumination Today!
Whatever the cause of your outdoor drainage or lighting woes, the professionals at Aqua-Bright can help you come up with a solution. For a consultation and to hear what we can do for you, give us a call at (410) 489-9009 or visit us online.